Saturday, September 27, 2008

What a week we have had....

This week was an action packed week and it looks like our weeks will be busier and busier as we approach the holidays.  This week we got to go to our cousins Upsherin. Yosef had his hair cut, and now looks like a big boy.

We also hosted our first shabbat, not only is Isral but as a couple this was my first time making shabbat. We were a party of eight. And for those thatare interested I will provide the menu:

Gefilte Fish
Little Salads (hummus, egplant, isreali etc.)
Chicken Soup with Matza Balls
Green Salad
Kugel(Potato and Yrushalmi)
Grilled Vegetables
Sweet and Sour Meatballs with Rice
Green Salad
Ice Cream Cake

A person might wonder why do a huge shabbos rigt before the chagim. Well we are also hosting a meal of eight on Rosh Hashana but I decided I needed a practice run and am full of confidence as we approach Rosh Hashana. We look forward to hosting many more shabbosim.

We are planning on spending our Rosh Hashana davening at Brandon't Yeshiva, we will also be eating one meal at the Yeshiva. For our other eating needs, one of the other couples is hosting the first night, we are having three other couples for the first day and on the second day we are eating at our cousins the Manns. In the meantime we will not be eating in order ot make room for all the food headed our way.  We still have not made it to the kotel, but hopefuly with in the week.

Stay tuned for apartment pictures...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We need more blog entries; and by the way did you lose your camera? Pictures?