Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Bed Bugs!

The most surprising thing thus far about Israel? Quite possibly the bugs that fly by night - aka the bed bugs.

I wake up each morning now anticipating where I'll have a new bite - sure, we basically invite any and all interested parties of said creepy-crawlies into our apartment on a nightly basis by leaving practically all doors and windows open to help with ventilation.

But what's the alternative? Not let any air in and wake up in a pool of sweat? Well, that's if I'm even able to fall asleep.

On the other hand, some cohorts have come to me and clamored about possible remidies - which include eating garlic prior to clocking out for the day. Apparently bugs don't like the smell of garlic either!

Conversely - Miriam brought my attention to some anti-bug-lotion we had somewhere around the apartment, but the stuff isn't preventative. It just claims to help after the fact. Still, it may get rid of the itching - although the bug-lotion is currently MIA.

Ah well - for the time being I'll fly with things as is. I'm okay so long as none of the bugs get anywhere near my mouth!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

M & B, I just read about your bedbugs.....Time for action guys. You have to irradicate them!!! Get rid of the mattress. They are probably in it. Also, new pillows, and scrub the bed frame everywhere. I don't think the bedbugs come from outside. They are probably indoors living in cracks. CALL ME!!!! eema No. I'll call you!!!!!! Battle Stations!!