Monday, August 11, 2008

A New Hobby

A few months ago I decided I wanted to learn to crochet kippot, this turned out to be a ridiculous disaster. My kippot never reached the size beyond a half dollar, and so I gave that up. Since Brandon only wears the black velevet kippah this wasn't such a difficult decision.

But for the last two weeks I have had this overwhelming urge to learn to knit. Since i will be going back to school in Israel, not to mention the 16+ hour trip to get there, knitting seemed like an ideal new hobby.

So this weekend Brandon and I stopped by a Yarn store and picked up a beginners knitting book, a set of needles and a skein of yarn. In the12 hours since picking up my materials (about 4 hours of actual knitting on this scarf, I had to start over a few times, and correct a few stitches, as well as some learning/practice runs) I have knit about 8 inches of scarf. The scarf is about 6.5 inches wide and a beautiful deep pine green. Brandon says he is looking forward to wearing it when I finish, but I am suspicious, as the husband laws require him to say this. I hope to finish my scarf by the end of the week, and then I want to make the same style but with alternating colors. Stay tuned for pictures of the progress.

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